Daily Mirror Fake Iraq photo scandal (2004) Special Investigation Branch (RMP)

Royal Military Police (SIB)

In May 2004 Britain's Daily Mirror tabloid newspaper admitted photos of British soldiers torturing Iraqi prisoners were fake (staged) and apologised unconditionally for their publication. Its high-profile editor Piers Morgan resigned from his role as editor soon after.

AVF, contracted to the SIB Military Police for all the Gulf War 2 Forensic Audio Visual work, investigated the case. Once the truck they were taken in  was located (in a Preston Army base) comparison work was undertaken of the truck, weapons from the armoury and uniforms observed in the images versus seized uniforms.

AVF proved the photos to be staged by matching elements of the (UK Territorial Army training) truck walls, floor and canvas, weapon  details, matching the camouflage pattern of the uniform and, finally, matching a pattern of moles on the suspects left forearm.

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